Inter, art actuel – Call for texts and visuals

Mouloud Boukala, holder of the Chair, is soliciting texts and visuals for the Arts altercapacités/Alternatively Abled Arts issue of Inter, art actuel – revue d’arts visuels (link to Inter’s website, open in a new tab)!

This issue invites contributions specifically addressing altercapacity arts (performance, installation, poetry, manoeuvre, digital art, etc.) and the artistic, political, cultural and societal issues they raise.

⚠️ Deadline for sending texts and/or images: June 15, 2023

🗓️ Publication date : Fall 2023

For all the details, see the call (image, open in a new tab) or the full text included below!

Full text of the call:

Call for written and visual submissions

Inter, art actuel 143
Arts altercapacités/Alternatively Abled Arts

Crazy art, cripping the art, disabled art, deaf art, crude art, situated art, inclusive art: so many ways of perceiving, thinking, creating people from diverse abilities (physical, intellectual, cognitive, mental, sensory, learning, languages and means of communication). Mad art, cripping the art, disability art, deaf art, outsider art, site-specific art, inclusive art: people with diverse capacities (physical, intellectual, cognitive, mental, sensory, learning, and diversities in language and means of communication) have so many ways to observe, think, and create.

Contrary to approaches centered on situations of disability created by ableist or audist milieus or institutions, this issue proposes to favor situations of creation in which people with different capacities – alter-capacities – question afresh the relationships from art to bodies, spaces, temporalities (crip time), mobilities and sensorialities. In contrast to approaches centered on handicap situations created by ableist or audist spaces and institutions, this edition aims to highlight creation situations where people with different abilities – alternatively abled people – examine the connections between art and bodies, spaces, time (crip time), mobility and sensoriality in new ways.

By focusing on the sensory, motor and cognitive processes of these artists who self-identify as having distinct abilities, deaf or crazy, it will be a question of observing how these emerging and current practices redraw the conditions and contours of creation. and are accompanied by or give rise to new discourses on the creative processes, their accessibility, their cultural equity, their affirmative and emancipatory potentialities. By taking an interest in the sensory, motor, and cognitive processes of these artists who self-identify as having alternative abilities, or being deaf or crazy, we can observe how these emergent and current practices reshape the conditions and contours of creation, and how they accompany or start new conversations on creative processes, their accessibility, their cultural equity, and their affirmative and emancipatory potential.

From the first devices which questioned sensory substitution (Paul Bach-y-Rita, in 1969) to current creative research which relates to prosthetics and explores transesthesia, it is not only a question of developing accessibility by society, but also to rethink the body, shapes and standards. This issue of Inter art réel invites contributions specifically addressing altercapacity arts (performance, installation, poetry, manoeuvre, digital art, etc.) and the artistic, political, cultural and societal issues they raise. From the first explorations of sensory substitution (Paul Bach-y-Rita, in 1969) up to the current research into creation stemming from prostheses and exploring transesthesia, it is not only a matter of developing accessibility in society but also rethinking bodies, shapes and standards. This edition of Inter art réel invites contributions specifically addressing “alternatively abled” arts (performance, art installations, poetry, maneuvers, digital art, etc.) and the artistic, political, cultural and societal challenges they present.

Text format/Article format: 3,500 words maximum/words maximum

Image format/Image format: 300 dpi, JPEG or/or TIFF format, minimum 46 x 30 cm

Consult the “Call for Proposals” section of our website for details on submitting an article. •

File manager: Mouloud Boukala
Deadline: June 15/June 15, 2023
Publication date: Fall/Autumn 2023

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