Disability and Deafhood Database

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(title of production: e.g., Young Juliette, name of character: e.g., Gabrielle, performer: e.g., Dave Richer, created by: e.g., Danielle Trottier, illustration/drawing: e.g., Line Gamache, directed by: e.g., Robert Morin, script by: e.g., François Avard)
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Period currently covered: 1980 to 2020
Character has a disability that impacts
215 productions, 542 characters
19-2 (season 1)
2011 - Claude Legault (creation, script), Danielle Dansereau (script), Joanne Arseneau (script), Podz (Daniel Grou) (direction), Réal Bossé (creation, script)
19-2 (season 2)
2013 - Claude Legault (creation, script), Podz (Daniel Grou) (direction), Réal Bossé (creation, script)
19-2 (season 3)
2015 - Claude Legault (creation, script), Podz (Daniel Grou) (direction), Réal Bossé (creation, script)
A Mile in His Shoes
2011 - Jason Koornick (script), William Dear (direction)
2013 - Carole Laganière (direction, script)
Adagio For A Biker
2008 - Pascale Ferland (direction, script), Richard Brouillette (script)
1982 - Jacques Leduc (direction, script), Renée Roy (direction, script)
Alphée of the stars
2012 - Hugo Latulippe (direction, script)
2008 - Laura Bari (direction, script)
Ariane et Nicolas T.2 : Le rêve du capitaine (untranslated title)
2010 - Paul Roux (illustration, script)
Au Secours de Béatrice (season 4) (untranslated title)
2017 - Alexis Durand Brault (direction), Francine Tougas (script)

Terms of use and credits for the Disability and Deafhood Database of the Canada Research Chair in Media, Disability and (Self) Representations.

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