Charles Gardou presents his most recent book: La fragilité de source. Ce qu’elle dit des affaires humaines.
In La fragilité de source. Ce qu’elle dit des affaires humaines (Érès, 2022), Charles Gardou reminds us that fragility, at the heart of our relationships, unites us and that what sets us apart is the way we react to it. By being careful not to make an exclusive link between fragility and disability, the author reacts as a committed actor-researcher and as the father of a child with multiple disabilities living with Rett syndrome. His subject, anchored and humble, contrasts with an overhanging and sufficient knowledge. The posture adopted is worthy of dignity, the dignity of the one he calls “my inspiration” and who raises his questions about our societies. Contrary to a testimony of the type “My life as the father of a child with a disability”, which would be imbued with plaintive outbursts, instrumentalization of suffering and exhortation to tolerance, Charles Gardou gives us a powerful and stimulating reflection on the human condition and its disparities and questions us about our ways – all cultural – of making society and making the world.
The video is below: