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Simple search

Canada Research Chair in Media, Disabilities and (Self) Representations
Faculté de communication
Université du Québec à Montréal

Disability and Deafhood Database

Simple search

Search by keywords

It is possible to search for

  • title of production (e.g., Young Juliette)
  • name of character (e.g., Gabrielle)
  • performer (actor or actress) (e.g.,. Dave Richer)
  • production member
    • created by
    • illustration/drawing
    • directed by
    • script by

Include all characters in search feature

If you search for the title of a media production (e.g., Young Juliette), the result will show the detailed sheet of the film (feature).

You must check “Include all characters in search” for results to include character(s) related to this media production (e.g., Arnaud Despins).

Search by criterion

Production (5 criterion)

  • Production type (drop-down menu)
  • Production category (drop-down menu)
  • Year (from x to x) (drop-down menus)
  • Original language (drop-down menu)
  • Production contains one or more passages in sign language (check box)

Character (8 criterion)
2 subsections

Representations of disability and Deafhood (5 criterion)

  • Performer identifies as disabled, neurodivergent and/or Deaf (check box)
  • Type of disability represented (Statistics Canada) (drop-down menu)
  • Character has a disability that impacts
    Disabling situations experienced by character (drop-down menu)
  • Neurodivergent character (check box)
  • Deaf character (check box)

Characteristics of the character (3 criterion)

  • Type of role (drop-down menu)
  • Age of character (drop-down menu)
  • Gender identity of character (inferred) (drop-down menu)

Drop-down menus

Multiple choices from the same drop-down menu are cumulative (will be added together).

For the “Type of Production” criterion, if “Comic strip” AND “Film (feature)” are selected, the results will include comic strips AND feature films.

Using more than one criterion refines the search

If the criterion “Neurodivergent character” is added to “Production type: Comic strip, Film (feature)”, the results then include only media productions that are a comic strip OR a feature film WITH a neurodivergent character.

Have a question about the database?
Contact us!

Best of luck with your research!

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? → help Toggle the help area
/ → search Focus the search box
d → debug Toggle the debug bar
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