The artistic practices of deaf and disabled people

The research report The artistic practices of deaf and disabled people (Les pratiques artistiques des personnes sourdes et handicapées) was the subject of an article in Actualités UQAM on March 5, 2021.

Mouloud Boukala, holder of the Chair, participated in this research directed by Véro Leduc.

Based on interviews and focus groups with 85 participants, this report aims to better document the artistic practices of Deaf and disabled people with the aim of improving their access to programs offered by various cultural and government organizations.

This report also outlines the barriers faced by Deaf and disabled artists in their practice and also addresses multiple issues such as the lack of diversity in the representation of Deaf and disabled people in media productions.

Read the article (opens in a new tab)

View the research report Artistic Practices of Deaf and Disabled People

Good reading!

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